Breaking Developments! 

   Two Breaking Developments in the political research community happened over the last few days. First a Secret Service agent came forward with a story that if verified would destroy the magic bullet fairy tale in the JFK assassination. Second there was an assassination attempt on RFK jr. on Saturday night that is eerily similar to what happened to his father in 1968.


   Secret Service agent Paul Landis came forward and said he retrieved a bullet from the backseat of JFK's limo and placed it on the President's stretcher. When Billy Raids first brought this to my attention, I was skeptical because of all the history of disinformation people coming forward in this case. Landis's story still needs to be confirmed with some more research but if it is accurate than it destroys the myth of the magic bullet theory. I am amazed that the mainstream media is even reporting this but not amazed by their lack of knowledge of the case. Jake Tapper of CNN said this doesn't change the narrative of Oswald being the lone gunman. Really, Jake? I mean his lack of knowledge in this case is frankly insulting. It changes everything. What people don't understand is Arlen Spector created the Magic bullet theory because without this made-up fairy tale than one has to admit the involvement of multiple gunmen in Dallas. If Landis is accurate then this bullet hit JFK in the back but did not penetrate through the back which is why the bullet is not smashed like all bullets would be that went through multiple people and multiple bones. So, there is the back shot, the head shot and the bullet that grazed bystander James Tague down by the underpass. That is 3 shots Jake Tapper and now one still has to account for the head/throat wound and the multiple wounds to Governor Connolly. So now that is at least 4 shots but most likely 5 which confirms more than one gunman. The mainstream media is pathetic when it comes the the JFK case and really embarrassing. 


    One question that I have is why is the media covering this at all, when the Government sealed the remaining files in the case? It would be easier for them to just ignore this evidence like the normally do in this case. I wonder if they are finally going to admit conspiracy for the 60th Anniversary and just blame it on the Mafia. The files which could implicate the CIA are sealed for good. There are a ton of garbage lies coming out in the media and Hollywood about the mob did it theory starting with a movie with Al Pacino. So, it would be easy to just blame that old usual suspect the Mafia. That theory has easily been debunked over the years.


    The other breaking news is an assassination attempt occurred on RFK Jr. on Saturday night. An armed man claiming to be part of RFK jr.'s security detail approached him at a Malibu restaurant. The real security team was able to detain the man. Anyone who read Lisa Pease's tremendous book on this case knows that this is very similar to what happened to RFK in 1968. Thane Eugene Ceasar, a last-minute replacement security guard was part of a team responsible for the assassination of RFK. More research has to be done to see if there is a connection here but there are powerful people that do not want any Kennedy near the White House. This was not reported very much in the mainstream media and when it was some questioned whether there was really an attempt on his life.


    As we approach the 60th Anniversary of the JFK assassination, it is frustrating how the Media, the Government and Academia have failed the American people on this case and really led to the distrust in Authority that people have today. One thing is also clear, the CIA's 60-year war with the Kennedys is not over. The character assassination that the family endures is just disgusting. We the People need to call out the Jake Tapper's of the world on their disinformation. It is our duty as a citizen. The truth is out there Mulder, it is just not reported in the mainstream media very much.  




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The Seeds of a Conspiracy!