ALLEN DULLES at the FARM 11/22/1963 Weekend!

So this is Allen Dulles's Day Calander that went missing at Princeton University. It clearly shows that Good Ol' Allen was at the Farm (secret CIA covert operations base) BEFORE the assassination took place and was there the whole weekend. An interesting Note from the 23rd (the day after JFK was murdered and day before Oswald was killed) , Dulles had Dinner with John Simpson who is connected to the Rockefeller Family. Explosive stuff! Important thing to understand, there is only 2 things to do that at the farm 1) train Black operators 2) run black operations. Dulles was FIRED by JFK. At this point he had no active role in the government and should not have access to this facility. This shows Dulles's massive power and that he was running operational control on Nov 22. I believe the reason to meet Simpson was to get all his ducks in a row before the Warren commission was formed and to get his powerful friends to put pressure on Johnson to make sure that Dulles is placed in the middle of any investigation which is what happened. I think anyone who is still not sure who masterminded this plot , we can say That's enough Outta you to them!




Don't be afraid to use the word Conspiracy!