The greatness of John F. Kennedy! 

Monika Wiesak joined us this week on the That's Enough Outta You podcast and she really brings out the greatness of JFK. I don't see how any reasonable person can even debate anymore, the idea that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy. JFK was actually assassinated twice, as his character has been assassinated by the powers to be who fund academia, the media and Hollywood. The false narrative they spin is the LBJ carried out JFK's policies and JFK really didn't do much in office besides sleep with thousands of women, hang out with the mafia, take drugs, and spend money from his father's bootlegging empire. The evidence available today proves all of that to be nonsense and lies.  The idea, from the powers to be is that if you make a character so dislikable that no one will care who really killed him. The truth is that so many of the problems will see in the world today were issues back in the 1960's that JFK was resolving before they would become a problem years down the road. Let's take a look at some of JFK's amazing accomplishments:


 It's the Economy Stupid! 

     JFK's domestic economic policies crush some of the myths that economists try to push on us. JFK was able to cut taxes across the board, with the lowest income getting the largest tax cuts, while at the same time increase wages, increase the minimum wage, bring unemployment down 1/3, keep inflation in check (50% lower), and increase the GNP by 20%. All of this is impossible says most economists. JFK felt all recessions were avoidable or at least could be controlled. He blamed the Federal Reserve system for causing two recessions and contributing to a third, which is why he was taking some of the powers away from the FED. JFK wanted a strong economy, supporting small business and farmers with smaller banks in more communities. HE discouraged globalism and wanted to tax the foreign profits of US companies. One can only imagine that anger this caused with people like David Rockefeller. JFK wanted the Investment Tax Credit. HE wanted a decentralized power and the economy not in hands of a few or the government but in the hands of the American people as a whole.  


The Surplus Food Program!

      One of the many accomplishments of JFK that is rarely talked about is the Surplus Food Program. JFK was worried that people are not getting enough nutritional food. He wanted access to nutritious food for poor people. In four months, JFK doubled the amount of nutritional food available to poor people. JFK wanted a healthy America. This vision that he had allowed him to see that an unhealthy population would be a drain on the healthcare system. He wanted people to focus and health and fitness. He wanted people all over the world to live a better life.


Environmental Views! 

     Unlike so many Presidents before and after him, JFK was worried about the environment, potential climate change and the harm pesticides and drugs would do to people and the environment. JFK understood that pesticides were doing massive environmental harm that were a danger to people's health. JFK stood up to industries and Big Pharma. He amended rules to make sure the FDA does safety studies. The FDA ended up removing over 600 drugs from the market because of JFK's efforts. JFK had laws changed to benefit consumer rights. JFK wanted us to treat the planet right and he even went after what he felt was the biggest polluters on the planet, which was the Military.  He worried about an energy crisis and stressed the importance of a growing supply of cheap available energy. Oilmen like David Rockefeller looked for ways to drive the price of oil up by creating the illusion of oil shortages. Kennedy knew this was all smoke and mirrors. When one looks at the environmental mess we have in the world today, one can only wonder what a continuation of Kennedys policies would look like today. 


Slow on Civil Rights, my ass! 

     Nothing gets my Irish up more than people saying JFK was slow on civil rights. This is complete garbage.  JFK understood that the conservative southern democrats were never going to approve any civil rights bills, and they would filibuster it to death. Kennedy went around them by using the court system and executive orders. In Prince Edward County in Virgina, JFK and RFK got together with their wealthy friends and built an entire school district for young poor black children who had nowhere to go to school, do to racist zoning changes. From the day he was inaugurated, Kennedy sought changes to bring more black employees into the government. He had RFK go after the Secretary of Education in Louisiana, and he took on Governor Wallace and his racist policies. When LBJ later got a Civil Rights Bill passed, it was because of RFK staying on to honor his brother. LBJ was going to take credit if it worked and blame RFK if didn't while behind the scenes, Bobby Kennedy did all the work. One needs to compare the facts of the JFK Civil Rights record, with the 100 years of nothing being done before JFK and what has been done since JFK, which is Not enough.


Foreign Policy!  

     Basically, JFK had a different foreign policy ,in every single area of the world than every other politician before or after him. We can talk about the Alliance for Progress, or his Anti-Colonialism polices throughout the world especially in Africa or his removal of all US personnel from Vietnam. For this discussion, I want to focus on JFK's Middle East policy which is the opposite of everyone else's. In 1939, a young JFK was already discussing the plight of the Palestinians. This is almost a decade before Israel was created. He flat out refused to let Isrrael acquire nuclear weapons. He worried about awakening the sleeping giant that is Muslim fundamentalist extremists. He wanted to develop a relationship with Nasser in Egypt. He wanted to move away from the Monarchy in Saudi Arabia and develop more of a relationship with India over Pakistan. This would be become obvious when he stood up to China when they invaded India during the Cuban missile crisis. Kennedy favored bringing back the government in Iran that was overthrown by Allen Dulles and the CIA in the 50s instead of backing the military installed government. All of this is so important when one looks at all the issues in the Middle East today. One has to wonder; how different would it look if JFK was not assassinated. 


    Many would say that I am just a Kennedy homer, and this is true. I do not try and hide that. However, the facts are the facts and JFK was our greatest President and it is not even really that close. What Kennedy accomplished in 2 years and 10 months is remarkable. It is even more remarkable when you consider that his first 100 days was not very effective and more a learning experience for the young President. Like, Monika said on Our podcast if you can create your own perfect President then JFK is what you would want. The Jackals will continue to assassinate his character, but I will be here acting like his Pitbull to defend him. JFK said "a nation that is afraid to let it's people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its own people. JFK had our back, and I will always have his!


The Kennedys and the Mafia/ Do not allow unreliable sources to tell the story!


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